
Lecture on First Image of Black Hole | 17 April, 2019
Prof. Suresh Govindarajan presents a talk on the first-ever image of Black Hole obtained from the Event Horizon Telescope

Orion Nebula (M-42) | 11 March, 2020
Captured using our 8" Dobsonian Telescope

NIT Trichy Trip | 27 December, 2019
Horizon Team visits NIT Trichy to observe 2019's Annular Solar Eclipse

ICTS Einstein Lectures | 22 October, 2019
Prof. Suresh Govindarajan (left), Prof. G. Srinivasan (middle) and Prof. V. Balakrishnan (right) gather for a post-lecture group-photo with the Horizon Team

Orion Constellation | 11 February, 2019

The Moon | 07 April, 2020

ICTS Einstein Lectures | 22 October, 2019
Prof. G Srinivasan present a talk on 'Millisecond Pulsars - The Born-again pulsars' at IIT Madras, conducted and coordinated by Horizon.

Saturn | 19 August, 2019

Moon | 19 August, 2019

Jupiter | 19 August, 2019

Vainu Bappu Observatory Trip | 01 March, 2019
Horizon members along with selected participants comprising of astronomy enthusiasts from various departments of the Institute visit the Vainu Bappu Observatory in Kavalur, Tamil Nadu.

Annular Solar Eclipse | 26 December, 2019
Captured using 10" Newtonian Telescope of Nakshatra, NIT Trichy